Saints Nаmе: Saint Charbel Makhlouf
Віrth nаmе: Mar Charbel Makhlouf
Gеndеr: Male
Аgе: 70
Віrth Dаtе: May 8, 1828
Birth Place: Bekaa Kafra, Lebanon
Died: December 24, 1898
Feast day: 3rd Sunday in July (Maronite Calendar), July 24 (Roman Calendar)
Patron of: Ecumenism
Tomb: The Saint Charbel Church, Annaya – Lebanon
Canonization: Beatified 5 December 1965, Vatican City by Pope Paul VI, Canonized 9 October 1977, Vatican City by Pope Paul VI
Shrine: The Saint Charbel Church, Annaya – Lebanon
Мауbе уоu know a lot of info аbоut Saint Charbel Makhlouf vеrу wеll. Іf уоu dо nоt knоw, wе hаvе рrераrеd thіѕ аrtісlе аbоut dеtаіlѕ оf Saint Charbel Makhlouf ѕhоrt bіоgrарhy, feast day, prayer, novena, shrine, location of his tomb, date of his canonization and more facts. Wеll, іf уоu’rе rеаdу, lеt’ѕ begin.
Biography of Saint Charbel in Annaya
- 8-05-1828: His birth date in Bekaa Kafra
- 16-05-1828: His baptism
- 1851-1852: First year of noviciate in Maifouk
- 1852-1853: Second year of noviciate in Annaya
- 01-11-1853: His first vows in Annaya
- 1853-1859: His theological studies in Kfifan
- 23-07-1859: His priestly ordination
- 1859-1875: His life at the Annaya monastery
- 15-02-1875: His entering the hermitage
- 24-12- 1898: His death
- 15-04-1899: The changing of the tomb
- 24-07-1927: The corpse was transferred to a third grave
- 25-02-1950: The grave was opened and the body was exposed to visitors.
- A distinguished year full of miracles around his grave.
- 05-12-1965: His Beatification in the Vatican
- 09-10-1977: His Canonization in the Vatican.
St Charbel feast day
St Charbel feast day is on the 3rd Sunday in July by Maronite Calendar, and on the July 24th by the Roman Calendar
Among Lebanese Christians, he is known for his miraculous healings in answer to prayers said at his tomb, located at the Monastery of Saint Maron, and for his ability to unite Christians and Muslims.
In the year 1954, Pope Bios XII signed a decree accepting the plea to canonize the Hermit Charbel Makhlouf. On December 5, 1965, Pope Paul VI headed the ceremony of canonizing father Charbel at the conclusion of the Second Vatican Synod. In the year 1975, Pope Paul VI decided to accept the miracle in order to declare the beatified Charbel as a Saint, and that was fulfilled in an international ceremony on Oct. 9, 1977.
And from the several miracles referred to the intercession of the man of God, the church chose two to declare his canonization & a third one to declare his holiness.
- Healing of sister Mary Apple Kamary one of the nuns of Sacred Heart’.
- Healing of Iskandar Naoum Obeid from Baabdat.
- Healing of Mariam Awad from Hammana.
Today, thanks to St Charbel, St Maron’s monastery in Annaya has become a great national and international shrine where thousands of believers come to pray and repent, and to provide for their various spiritual needs. It is also a place where letters from all over the world are received to get the Lebanese Saint’s tangible grace or to seek his intercession.
St Charbel Prayer
Lord, infinitely Saint and Glorified in Thy Saints, Who has inspired the Saint Monk and Hermit Charbel to live and die in the path of Jesus Christ and gave him the strength to detach himself from the world in order to make triumph, in his hermitage, the monastic virtues: – We implore Thee to bestow upon us the grace to love Thee and serve Thee following his example.
God Almighty, Who has manifested the power of the Saint Charbel’s intercession, by the numerous miracles and favors, grant us the Grace (…) by his intercession. Amen – Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory to the father.
St Charbel Novena
Day One
Oh. Miraculous Saint Charbel, from whose immaculate body, which overpowers corruption, radiates the scent of heaven, come to my rescue and grant me from God the grace which I am in need of ( name the grace). Amen.
Oh, Saint Charbel pray for me.
Oh Lord, who was bestowed on Saint Charbel the grace of faith, I plead to you to grant me through his intercession that divine grace to live according to your commandments and Bible. The glory is yours till the end. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father.
Day Two
Oh, Saint Charbel, Martyr of monastic life, who experienced suffering, and whom Lord Jesus made of you a bright beacon, I resort to you and ask through your intercession the grace (name the grace). I confide in you. Amen.
Oh, Saint Charbel, a vase of perfume, intercede for me. Oh, God of complete benevolence, who honored Saint Charbel by giving him the grace to perform miracles, have mercy on me, and grant me what I ask from you through his intercession.
The Glory is yours till the end. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father.
Day Three
Oh, Saint Charbel, the amiable, who shines like a bright star in the church sky, brighten my way and fortify my hope. From you, I ask for the grace (name the grace). Ask for it from Jesus the crucified whom you perpetually worship. Amen.
Oh, Saint Charbel, the example of patience and silence, intercede for me.
Oh, Lord Jesus, who sanctified Saint Charbel and helped him to carry his cross, give me the courage to bear life’s difficulties with patience and submission to your divine will through Saint Charbel’s intercession, to you is gratefulness forever. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father.
Day Four
Oh Father, Saint Charbel, the affectionate, I resort to you. My confidence in you fills my heart. With the power of your intercession with God, I am waiting for the Grace which I ask from you (name the grace). Show me your affection once more.
Oh, Saint Charbel, the garden of virtue, intercede for me.
Oh, God, you, who granted Saint Charbel the grace of your resemblance, grant me the help to grow in the Christian virtues and have mercy on me to be able to praise you till the end. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father.
Day Five
Oh, Saint Charbel, loved by God, enlighten me, help me and teach me how to please God. Hurry to my rescue. Oh affectionate Father; I beg of you to ask God for this grace (name the grace).
Oh, Saint Charbel, a friend of the crucified, intercede for me.
Oh, God hear my demand through Saint Charbel’s intercession. Save my poor heart and give me peace. Calm the troubles of my soul. Glory to you till the end.
Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father.
Day Six
Oh, Saint Charbel, all-powerful intercessor, I ask you to fulfill the grace which I am in need of (name the grace). A single word from you to Jesus is enough to forgive me, to have mercy on me and to grant me my wish.
Oh, Saint Charbel, the joy of heaven and earth, intercede for me.
Oh, God, who chose Saint Charbel to defend us before your divine power, grant me through his intercession this grace (name the grace) to glorify you with him till the end. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father.
Day Seven
Oh, Saint Charbel, loved by everyone, helper of the needy; I have firm hope in your intercession before God. Fulfill this grace for me (name the grace).
Oh, Saint Charbel, a star that counsels the bewildered, intercede for me.
Oh, God, my numerous sins hinder your grace to reach me. Grant me the grace to repent. Answer me through Saint Charbel’s intercession. Return the joy to my sad heart and grant me my demand. You, the embodiment of graces, glory, and gratefulness be to you.
Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father.
Day Eight
Oh, Saint Charbel, whenever I see you kneeling down on the cane mat, fasting, abstaining, and absorbed in calling God, my hope and my faith in you augment. I beg of you to help me to receive the grace that I am asking for (name the grace).
Oh, Saint Charbel, absorbed in God, intercede for me.
Oh, Jesus, the most peaceful, you who has raised your beloved Charbel to biblical perfection, I solemnly ask you to grant me the grace to spend the rest of my life according to your demand. I love you, oh God, my savior. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father.
Day Nine
Oh, Father, Saint Charbel, here I am at the end of the Novena. My heart gets nourished when I speak to you. I have great hope that I will obtain from Jesus the grace I asked for through your intercession. I repent, and I promise that I will never ever fall into sin. I ask you to fulfill my demand (name the demand).
Oh, Saint Charbel, crowned with glory, intercede for me.
Oh, Lord, you listened to Saint Charbel’s prayers, and you fulfilled the grace of unison with you, have mercy on me in my moment of distress. Save me from malice which I cannot bear. Glory and gratefulness be to you till the end. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father.