The Insigne and Nacional Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe
The Catholic Church has constantly tributed to the Virgin Mary a special piety and worship. The Guadalupe Marian devotion is the basis of Christian history in Mexico and it also supports the evangelization of the whole American continent.
The Shrine of Tepeyac, where the sacred image of the Virgin of Guadalupe is the heart, has been continuous goal of pilgrims from the XVI century, not only from the Mexican nation but also of the entire American continent.
This has strengthened their faith and successive generations, finding necessary to bear witness to the faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ and to remain faithful to her strength.
Also today there are innumerable devotees of Mother and Queen Guadalupana, of any age, profession, social class, who come every year, united by the same love for the Blessed Virgin and the sense of belonging to the Catholic Church. See more Catholic shrines in South America.
National Shrine
The Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe was recognized as the National Shrine at the Mexican Episcopal Conference, on November 17, 1983.
Top 15 Catholic shrines in the world
Our Lady of Guadalupe mass times and schedule
In the Basilica from Monday to Sunday
- 06:00 hrs.
- 07:00 hrs.
- 07:45 hrs.
- 08:30 hrs. Laudes
- 09:00 hrs.
- 10:00 hrs.
- 11:00 hrs.
- 12:00 hrs.
- 13:00 hrs.
- 14:00 hrs.
- 15:00 hrs.
- 16:00 hrs.
- 18:00 hrs.
- 19:00 hrs.
- 20:00 hrs.
Rosary from Monday to Friday: 17:00 hrs.
Confession: Fridays from 11:00 to 13:00 hrs (on Fridays there are no masses at this time)
Chapel of San Diego
Masses: Monday to Friday
- 10:30 hrs.
- 11:30 hrs.
- 12:30 hrs.
- 13:30 hrs.
- 17:00 hrs.
Masses Saturday and Sunday
- 10:30 hrs.
- 11:30 hrs.
- 12:30 hrs.
- 13:30 hrs.
- 16:00 hrs.
- 17:00 hrs.
- 18:00 hrs.
The main purpose of the Sanctuary and its pastoral activities are:
a) To promote the public worship of the Virgin of Guadalupe, Queen of Mexico and Patroness of America.
b) To respond with pastoral to pilgrims every day, who in great numbers visit Santa Maria de Guadalupe. The Sanctuary, as a privileged place of pastoral folk, has a duty to provide plenty of faithful means of salvation, especially:
- The frequent access to the Word of God
- The promotion of an intense liturgical life, especially in the celebration of the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
- The privileged forms of popular devotion, especially Marian.
- Charity to the poor.
The Insigne and Nacional Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Marian world’s most visited exhibition, is pleased to welcome pilgrims, who daily come with all their faith and effort to Our Lady of Guadalupe.
As part of the welcome to all pilgrims, the institution has multiple services, including:
- The guided tours, which for years has accompanied step by step to unravelling the history of the Guadalupe events.
- The live experience is different for each of the groups, but the mainstay is always, everyone to feel Our Lady of Guadalupe in their hearts.
For pilgrims coming to Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe Mexico City
- As part of the welcome to all pilgrims, the institution has multiple services, including The guided tours, which for years has accompanied step by step to unraveling the history of the Guadalupe events. The live experience is different for each of the groups, but the mainstay is always, everyone to feel Our Lady of Guadalupe in their hearts.
During the visit, you will see:
- The New Basilica of modern architecture, which exterior emulates the figure of the Virgin’s cloak that shelters all children who come to visit and that the greatest treasure is inside:
- the tilma of St. Juan Diego; where the image of Our Lady, the Virgin of Guadalupe is embodied;
- The Expiatory Temple of Christ the King, known as the Old Basilica of Guadalupe, which hosted over 262 years to the Virgin.
- Capuchin Parish, the beautiful former convent of the Capuchin nuns.
- Pocito Chapel, Temple, a baroque beauty that shows the little well where the water flowed to the ancient spring.
- El Cerrito del Tepeyac memorable site of the first apparition of the Virgin to Juan Diego and the Miracle of the Roses.
- Ancient Indians Parish, the site where it was built, in 1531, the first chapel to the Virgin of Guadalupe and St. Juan Diego where he lived to take care of the sacred image.
- And finally … a space of invaluable historical and cultural beauty that few people know:
- The Museum of the Basilica of Guadalupe; which has 15 rooms, almost 5,000 works, an average of 14,000 visitors each month and the largest collection at the national level, Guadalupe and Marian themes, mostly concerning the novohispano pictorial art, with works by renowned artists such as Christopher Villalpando, José de Ibarra, Miguel Cabrera, Juan Correa, among others;
- Also worth mentioning are exposed to an unusual collection of votive offerings made by devotees and pilgrims benefited by the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
The Museum of the Basilica is located behind the expiatory church of Christ the King (Antigua Basilica de Guadalupe). Even the pilgrims will enjoy a guided tour of the collection that specializes in a personal tour.
The story of Apparitions of the Virgin of Guadalupe to Juan Diego
The Apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe to Juan Diego, stamping miraculous holy image on the humble tilma of the visionary and her message of love for us are primarily aimed to announce her beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to people who inhabited the “new world”.
First Appearance: Saturday 9 December at dawn.
Juan Diego hears a birdsong. They call him by name; he climbs to the summit of the hill of Tepeyac and goes to the little girl, who tells him to go to the Bishop to ask for a temple in the plain. ”
“Juanito, dearest Juan Diego.”
“Listen, Juan, my dearest and youngest son, where are you going?”
“Know, know for sure, my dearest, littlest, and youngest son, that I am the perfect and ever Virgin Holy Mary, Mother of the God of truth through Whom everything lives, the Lord of all things near us, the Lord of heaven and earth. I want very much to have a little house built here for me, in which I will show Him, I will exalt Him and make Him manifest.
I will give Him to the people in all my personal love, in my compassion, in my help, in my protection: because I am truly your merciful Mother, yours and all the people who live united in this land and of all the other people of different ancestries, my lovers, who love me, those who seek me, those who trust in me.
Here I will hear their weeping, their complaints and heal all their sorrows, hardships and sufferings.
Second Appearance: Sat. Dec. 9 at approximately 5 pm.
Juan Diego returned to the summit and says about Bishop disbelief and asked that she chooses another courier. But the Virgin confirms him in his mission and orders him to insist on the following day.
Listen to me, my youngest and dearest son, know for sure that I do not lack servants and messengers to whom I can give the task of carrying out my words, who will carry out my will. But it is very necessary that you plead my cause and, with your help and through your mediation, that my will be fulfilled. My youngest and dearest son, I urge and firmly order you to go to the bishop again tomorrow.
Tell him in my name and make him fully understand my intention that he start work on the chapel I’m requesting. Tell him again that I am the ever Virgin, Holy Mary, the Mother of God, who is sending you.”
Third Appearance: Sunday, December 10 around 3 pm.
Again at the summit, Juan Diego relates his second interview with the Bishop. He does not believe and orders him to ask the Lady for some sign. Virgin orders Juan Diego to return to the hill the next day to receive the signal given.
“That is fine, my youngest and dearest son; you will return here tomorrow so that you may take the sign he asked for. Then, he will believe and no longer doubt or be suspicious of you; and know, my dear son, I shall reward your care, work and fatigue in my behalf. Go now; tomorrow I shall be here waiting for you.”
Fourth Appearance: Tuesday, December 12 early in the morning.
Given the seriousness of his uncle, Juan Diego goes to Mexico to find a priest. Virgin goes to meet him; reassures him of the illness of his uncle: ”
“What is happening, dearest and youngest of my sons? Where are you going? Where are you headed?”
“Listen, put it into your heart, my youngest and dearest son, that the thing that disturbs you, the thing that afflicts you, is nothing. Do not let your countenance, your heart is disturbed. Do not fear this sickness of your uncle or any other sickness, nor anything that is sharp or hurtful.
Am I not here, I, who am your Mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? Am I not the source of your joy? Are you not in the hollow of my mantle, in the crossing of my arms? Do you need anything more? Let nothing else worry you, disturb you. Do not let your uncle’s illness worry you, because he will not die now. You may be certain that he is already well.”
“Go up, my dearest son, to the top of the hill, to where you saw me and received my directions and you will find different kinds of flowers. Cut them, gather them, put them all together, then come down here and bring them before me.”
Fifth Apparition: Tuesday, December 12 early in the morning.
While appearing to Juan Diego, “My youngest and dearest son, these different kinds of flowers are the proof, the sign that you will take to the Bishop. You will tell him from me that he is to see in them my desire, and therefore he is to carry out my wish, my will. And you, who are my messenger, in you
I place my absolute trust. I strictly order you not to unfold your tilma or reveal its contents until you are in his presence.
You will relate to him everything very carefully: how I sent you to the top of the hill to cut and gather flowers, all you saw and marveled at in order to convince the Governing Priest so that he will then do what lies within his responsibility so that my house of God which I requested will be made, will be built.”
The printing on the tilma: Tuesday, December 12 at noon.
In the house of Bishop Fray Juan de Zumarraga, Juan Diego shows roses he carried in his tilma, the signal from the Virgin.
“He unfolded his tilma, where he had the flowers. And so, while the different precious flowers fell, at that moment … suddenly appeared in the humble ayate the venerated image of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God, as we now have the joy of venerating in her favorite home, temple of Tepeyac. ”

Chapel of San Diego
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
Insigne and Nacional Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe is located in northern Mexico City. The address is: No. Plaza de las Americas. 1 Col. Villa de Guadalupe Gustavo A. Madero CP 07050 Mexico, DF Phone: 01 (55) 5118 0500 Fax: 01 (55) 5118 0599
The Guadalupe sanctuary is within walking distance of the stations of the Public Transport System “Metro”
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
In the Basilica from Monday to Sunday
- 06:00 hrs.
- 07:00 hrs.
- 07:45 hrs.
- 08:30 hrs. Laudes
- 09:00 hrs.
- 10:00 hrs.
- 11:00 hrs.
- 12:00 hrs.
- 13:00 hrs.
- 14:00 hrs.
- 15:00 hrs.
- 16:00 hrs.
- 18:00 hrs.
- 19:00 hrs.
- 20:00 hrs.
Chapel of San Diego
Masses: Monday to Friday
- 10:30 hrs.
- 11:30 hrs.
- 12:30 hrs.
- 13:30 hrs.
- 17:00 hrs.
Masses Saturday and Sunday
- 10:30 hrs.
- 11:30 hrs.
- 12:30 hrs.
- 13:30 hrs.
- 16:00 hrs.
- 17:00 hrs.
- 18:00 hrs.
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
Fridays from 11:00 to 13:00 hrs (on Fridays there are no masses at this time).
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
Rosary from Monday to Friday: 17:00 hrs.
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
The Collector of the Basilica of Guadalupe is a place where pilgrims can buy variety of religious items, among which we find key chains, candles, Bibles, scapulars, medals, replicas of the statue of the Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe, among many others.
Most of our products are made by Mexican artisans, as well as by some convents of nuns who manually produce rose petal rosaries and pictures on embossed with the image of our beloved mother.
We offer all our visitors affordable prices and friendly service with the intention to take home a nice souvenir of your visit to the Basilica of Guadalupe. All proceeds from the Collector is for the maintenance of our sanctuary.
Monday to Saturday 8:00 to 19:45 hrs.
Sundays from 8:00 to 18:45 hrs.
Tel. 51 May 18 00 ext. 552
Email: [email protected]
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
Apparitions of the Virgin of Guadalupe to Juan Diego
The Apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe to Juan Diego, stamping miraculous holy image on the humble tilma of the visionary and her message of love for us are primarily aimed toannounce her beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to people who inhabited the “new world”.
First Appearance: Saturday 9 December at dawn.
Juan Diego hears a birdsong. They call him by name; he climbs to the summit of the hill of Tepeyac and goes to the little girl, who tells him to go to the Bishop to ask for a temple in the plain. ”
“Juanito, dearest Juan Diego.”
“Listen, Juan, my dearest and youngest son, where are you going?”
“Know, know for sure, my dearest, littlest, and youngest son, that I am the perfect and ever Virgin Holy Mary, Mother of the God of truth through Whom everything lives, the Lord of all things near us, the Lord of heaven and earth. I want very much to have a little house built here for me, in which I will show Him, I will exalt Him and make Him manifest.
I will give Him to the people in all my personal love, in my compassion, in my help, in my protection: because I am truly your merciful Mother, yours and all the people who live united in this land and of all the other people of different ancestries, my lovers, who love me, those who seek me, those who trust in me. Here I will hear their weeping, their complaints and heal all their sorrows, hardships and sufferings.
Second Appearance: Sat. Dec. 9 at approximately 5pm.
Juan Diego returned to the summit and says about Bishop disbelief and asked that she chooses other courier. But the Virgin confirms him in his mission and orders him to insist on the following day.
Listen to me, my youngest and dearest son, know for sure that I do not lack servants and messengers to whom I can give the task of carrying out my words, who will carry out my will. But it is very necessary that you plead my cause and, with your help and through your mediation, that my will be fulfilled. My youngest and dearest son, I urge and firmly order you to go to the bishop again tomorrow.
Tell him in my name and make him fully understand my intention that he start work on the chapel I’m requesting. Tell him again that I am the ever Virgin, Holy Mary, the Mother of God, who is sending you.”
Third Appearance: Sunday, December 10 around 3 pm.
Again at the summit, Juan Diego relates his second interview with the Bishop. He does not believe and orders him to ask the Lady for some sign. Virgin orders Juan Diego to return to the hill the next day to receive the signal given. “That is fine, my youngest and dearest son; you will return here tomorrow so that you may take the sign he asked for. Then, he will believe and no longer doubt or be suspicious of you; and know, my dear son, I shall reward your care, work and fatigue in my behalf. Go now; tomorrow I shall be here waiting for you.”
Fourth Appearance: Tuesday December 12 early in the morning.
Given the seriousness of his uncle, Juan Diego goes to Mexico to find a priest. Virgine goes to meet him; reassures him of the illness of his uncle: ”
“What is happening, dearest and youngest of my sons? Where are you going? Where are you headed?”
“Listen, put it into your heart, my youngest and dearest son, that the thing that disturbs you, the thing that afflicts you, is nothing. Do not let your countenance, your heart be disturbed. Do not fear this sickness of your uncle or any other sickness, nor anything that is sharp or hurtful.
Am I not here, I, who am your Mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? Am I not the source of your joy? Are you not in the hollow of my mantle, in the crossing of my arms? Do you need anything more? Let nothing else worry you, disturb you. Do not let your uncle’s illness worry you, because he will not die now. You may be certain that he is already well.”
“Go up, my dearest son, to the top of the hill, to where you saw me and received my directions and you will find different kinds of flowers. Cut them, gather them, put them all together, then come down here and bring them before me.”
Fifth Apparition: Tuesday December 12 early in the morning.
While appearing to Juan Diego, “My youngest and dearest son, these different kinds of flowers are the proof, the sign that you will take to the Bishop. You will tell him from me that he is to see in them my desire, and therefore he is to carry out my wish, my will. And you, who are my messenger, in you I place my absolute trust. I strictly order you not to unfold your tilma or reveal its contents until you are in his presence. You will relate to him everything very carefully: how I sent you to the top of the hill to cut and gather flowers, all you saw and marveled at in order to convince the Governing Priest so that he will then do what lies within his responsibility so that my house of God which I requested will be made, will be built.”
The printing on the tilma: Tuesday December 12 at noon.
In the house of Bishop Fray Juan de Zumarraga, Juan Diego shows roses he carried in his tilma, the signal from the Virgin. “He unfolded his tilma, where he had the flowers. And so, while the different precious flowers fell, at that moment … suddenly appeared in the humble ayate the venerated image of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God, as we now have the joy of venerating in her favorite home, temple of Tepeyac. ”