St Charbel Church – Monastery of Saint Maron – Mass times, Open times

Monastery Saint Maron - Sanctuary of Saint Charbel, Byblos, Lebanon

Website of the Sanctuary

+961 9 760130

Every day from 7.00 am until 7.00 pm

The Tomb Church

To the side of the museum lies the Saint’s tomb in a beautifully arched construction, which has recently been converted into a church, the Tomb Church. The Saint’s body was transferred from the public cemetery, which lies behind the square, into caskets of different sizes and shapes. Many tests had been done in order to stop the causes of the sweat and blood secretion phenomenon.

On August 7th, 1952, the corpse was laid in the current grave. An iron gate, with a glass pane, was built to separate the visitors from the coffin, which is laid on a cedar wood pedestal, which is also laid on an Italian marble pedestal. Believers stand or kneel before the tomb praying to God and asking the intercession of St Charbel. A visitor speaks out what he/she would never speak anywhere else because St Charbel has become a closer friend to man, and the great interceder to the almighty and loving God.

The Monastery of Saint Maron

This church is located on the right side of the monastery entrance. It was built in 1840 and it was named after St Maron.

The External Saint Charbel Status

At the monastery, entrance stands a bronze statue of St Charbel, which has become a great believers’ shrine. Tears were shed along with outpours of the diversity of prayers and warm sighs.

The first grave of St Charbel

Behind the statue lies the first St Charbel grave, from which bright lights shone four months after his death. The saint’s body was exhumed for the first time to have it tested after the appearance of sweat and blood exudation

The Saint Museum

Downstairs, the Saint Museum contains the liturgical clothes which were put on Saint Charbel’s corpse, in the many graves in which he was put after his death. They have ruined clothes because of the secretion of sweat and blood from the Saint’s corpse. In the Museum, one can also find a great number of letters coming from many countries worldwide. Other monastic habits and liturgical clothes and various utensils used by the Saint during his life are also displayed in the Museum. There are also ex-voto and other matters offered after miraculous healings and testifying the love of God for humanity through his chosen Saint.

Oil and Incense

The pilgrim can take oil, incense, and relics in a place just near the museum downstairs

The St Charbel Church

After the beatification of St Charbel on December 5th, 1965, and with the incredibly increasing number of believers who came to Annaya, the monastery started the construction of a church, named after St Charbel, which can accommodate great multitudes of people. This church was built on the western side of the monastery.

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The church is round in shape. The altar is located in the center, a symbol of constant renewal of the world. It is located in such a way that those who come to pray can reach it from all directions to receive the Holy Communion and to meet the living Christ Jesus, who renews them and changes their mortal sacrifices to eternal life. The upper parts of the entrances are of stained glass, depicting incidents and stages from St Charbel’s life. This was implemented by the artist Saliba Douaihy and was restored by Father Abdou Badawi.

Mass times

22nd of each month

  • 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 am Morning masses in the St Charbel Church.
  • 9:00 am: Procession sets off from the hermitage to the monastery.
  • 10:00 am Ceremonial mass at the St Charbel Church.
  • 10:00 am Mass at the hermitage church.
  • 12:00 pm: Mass at the St Charbel Church.
  • 4:00, 5:00,6:00 pm: Evening masses at the St Charbel church (winter)
  • 5:00, 6:00,7:00 pm: Evening masses at the St Charbel church (summer)

Saint Charbel’s Church

  • On Sundays and Celebrations and on the 22 of every month:
    • Masses at 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 am
    • Masses at: 4, 5, 6 pm (Winter Time) 5, 6, 7 pm (Summer Time)
  • On Fridays: Mass at 8 pm (Saint Charbel’s Family)

Saint Maron’s Church

  • On weekdays:
    • Lauds and Mass at 7 am
    • Mass at 11:10 am
    • Midday Prayer and Evangelism at 12:20 pm
    • Mass at 5 pm
    • Vespers at 6 pm (Winter Time)
    • Vespers and Mass at 6 pm (Summer Time)
  • On Saturday Evening: Vespers and Mass at 6 pm

Hermitage: Mass every day at 10 am

Brother Estephan- Lehfed:

  • Mass at 4 pm on Thursdays (Winter Time)
  • Mass at 6 pm on Thursdays (Summer Time)

Confessions and Guidance are available upon request


Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!

Mass times

22nd of each month

  • 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 am: Morning masses in the St Charbel church.
  • 9:00 am : Procession sets off from the hermitage to the monastery.
  • 10:00 am: Ceremonial mass at the St Charbel church.
  • 10:00 am: Mass at the hermitage church.
  • 12:00 pm: Mass at the St Charbel church.
  • 4:00, 5:00,6:00 pm: Evening masses at the St Charbel church (winter)
  • 5:00, 6:00,7:00 pm: Evening masses at the St Charbel church (summer)

Saint Charbel’s Church

  • On Sundays and Celebrations and on the 22 of every month:
    • Masses at 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 am
    • Masses at: 4, 5, 6 pm (Winter Time) 5, 6, 7 pm (Summer Time)
  • On Fridays: Mass at 8 pm (Saint Charbel’s Family)

Saint Maron’s Church

  • On weekdays:
    • Lauds and Mass at 7 am
    • Mass at 11:10 am
    • Midday Prayer and Evangelism at 12:20 pm
    • Mass at 5 pm
    • Vespers at 6 pm (Winter Time)
    • Vespers and Mass at 6 pm (Summer Time)
  • On Saturday Evening: Vespers and Mass at 6 pm

Hermitage: Mass everyday at 10 am

Brother Estephan- Lehfed:

  • Mass at 4 pm on Thursdays (Winter Time)
  • Mass at 6 pm on Thursdays (Summer Time)

Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!

Confessions and Guidance are available upon request

Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!

Posted in Asia & Oceania and Lebanon

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