- Why, on Christian radio stations, is the Rosary prayer the show with the largest audience?
- Why, in CD sales charts, is the Rosary the bestseller?
- Why did the great thaumaturge Padre Pio always have the Rosary in his hand?
- Why did Mother Teresa of Calcutta’s Rosary open all the doors for her?
- Why does the Woman Who Crushes the Serpent’s Head recommend the Rosary so much?
- Why was the Rosary the favorite prayer of St. John Paul II?
- Why does Satan tremble at the simple name of Mary in the Rosary?
- Why is the Rosary the prayer of the New Times?
- Why do Catholics pray the Rosary?
- And why is praying the rosary important?
Because the Rosary is the prayer of Mary herself! As she said in Medjugorje: “Dear children when I was on earth, I was praying the Rosary constantly!” How did she do that in her time, when the Rosary did not exist? She revealed the secret: “When I was on earth, I constantly had my eyes fixed on the life of Jesus, my Son, and that is what the Rosary is!” (Message to Jelena Vasilj, for the prayer group).
It opens up all the horizons of contemplation and its fruits. The more we lovingly plunge into the life of Jesus revealed in the Gospel, and also into the lives of the Saints, the more we are absorbed into what he is and what he has. We grow in likeness to Jesus, just as Mary did, day by day, by contemplating him constantly.
Why do Catholics pray the Rosary?
Yes, in the Rosary, we become what we contemplate! Each Rosary prayed with the heart increases this resemblance. And if with Mary, we contemplate Jesus in the Mysteries of his life, we enrich our hearts and souls in such a way that the enemy runs away. The mere name of Mary in the Ave Maria is an unbearable torture for Satan, for it is she, Mary, who was appointed by God to crush his head. We, as her descendants, can do this, if we stand with her. “Sin will reign,” she said last summer, “but if you are mine, you will win! (July 25, 2019).
Pope Francis invited all the faithful to recite the Rosary every day in October, and to end it with prayers to St. Michael the Archangel, followed by the traditional hymn to Mary, Sub Tuum Praesidium, in order to protect the Church from the demon in these times of crisis.
Don Gabriele Amorth, former president of all exorcists, who died in September 2016 said: “The Rosary is probably the most famous exorcism in the world”. In the introduction to his latest book, “My Rosary” (San Paolo Publishing), he writes: “I believe that the Rosary is the most powerful prayer, after the Holy Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours”. In this last book, written at the age of ninety, he decided to reveal the source of his inner strength: it is precisely the prayer of the Rosary and the daily meditation of the twenty mysteries. It is this prayer that always supported him in his daily struggle against evil, during all his years spent in the Diocese of Rome.
Cardinal Ernest Simoni. Under the communist regime in Albania, he was sentenced to death several times, spending more than twenty years in prison and in forced labor in the sewers. At the Medjugorje Youth Festival in 2017, he said: “Anyone who prays three Rosaries a day will receive unimaginable miracles. So love the Rosary, pray it. I guarantee you that the Virgin Mary, the Queen of Peace, will fill you with many graces, and be sure that you will receive light and peace. Everything you ask the Blessed Virgin will be presented to Jesus and Jesus will grant it. I want to testify to that, right here and in our day. Don’t be afraid, she is with us and will always protect the world!”
Saint Joseph Cafasso recounts that one day, very early in the morning, he met a little old woman gathered in prayer in the streets of Turin. The saint approached her and asked, “How is it that you are here so early, my good lady?” “I walk here to clean the streets,” she replied. Surprised, the saint asked, “What does that mean?” “Last night there was a carnival, and many sins were committed. So I pass by, praying the Rosary, in order to cleanse the streets of all these sins.”
Saint Maximilian Kolbe. In the diary of this martyr of charity, we read: “As many rosaries are prayed, so many souls are saved!”
St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort, this great Marian apostle, said that “When the Holy Spirit finds love for Mary in a soul, he flies to it!”
Source: Use of text approved from “Children of Medjugorje” website www.childrenofmedjugorje.com.