Here are the links to the live streams of today’s Catholic Mass online. See Holy Masses and Prayer Programmes in the Catholic Shrines.
1. Medjugorje
Every day
- 17-20 h Evening Prayer Programme and Confession
- 17 h Joyful and Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary
- 18 h Holy Mass
- 19-20 h Blessings of objects, Prayer for the health of soul and body, Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary
- 21 – 22 h Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament – Tuesday, Saturday
2. Shrine of Divine Mercy Krakow and the Tomb of St Faustina
- 6:30 Holy Mass
- 7:15 Matins
- 12:00 17:00 Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
- 13:15 Liturgical prayer of the day
- 15:00 Prayer at the Hour of Mercy and the Chaplet of The Divine Mercy
- 17:00 Holy Mass
- 18:40 Vespers
- 19:00 Worship and Compline
- 20:30 The Rosary
- 21:00 Marian Call
Sundays and Holidays
- 7:00 Holy Mass (live broadcast by TVP 1)
- 8:30 Holy Mass
- 12:00 19:00 Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
- 13:15 Liturgical prayer of the day
- 15:00 Prayer at the Hour of Mercy and the Chaplet of The Divine Mercy
- 18:30 Service
- 19:00 Holy Mass
- 20:30 Rosary
- 21:00 Marian Call
3. Mariazell
- Tuesday – Friday: 4.00 pm Mass
- Saturday – Monday: 10.00 pm Mass
Link: https://www.katholische-kirche-steiermark.at/portal/home/livestream
4. Einsiedeln
Every day:
- 7:15 am Laudes – Morning Prayer
- 9:30 am Mass on Sundays and Holidays
- 11.15 am Mass Monday – Saturday
- 12.05 PM Midday praise
- 4.30 pm Vesper and Salve Regina
- 8.00 pm Night praise
Link: https://www.youtube.com/user/KlosterEinsiedeln/live
5. Lourdes
- Daily prayers in the Grotto of Lourdes from 7.00 am – 8.30 pm
Link: https://www.lourdes-france.org/tv-lourdes/
6. Loreto
Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT9uLSAfEfqgXbArvYyHzQg
7. Fatima
- 10:00 am – ROSARY. On Saturday, Sunday, and religious holidays.
- 12:00 pm – ROSARY. From Monday to Saturday.
- 12:30 pm – MASS.
- 02:00 pm – HOUR OF REPARATION to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. On Saturday and Sunday.
- 06:30 pm – ROSARY.
- 09:30 pm – ROSARY.
Link: https://www.fatima.pt/en/pages/online-transmissions
8. Czestochowa
6.00 Unveiling of the Miraculous Image of the Our Lady of Czestochowa
Holy Masses in Our Lady’s Chapel: Monday-friday:
6; 00, 7:00, 7:30, 8:00 (Latin), 9:30, 11:00, 15:30, 18:30
6; 00, 7:00, 7:30, 8:15 (Latin), 9:30, 11:00, 12:00, 15.30, 18:30
Sundays and Feasts:
6; 00, 7:00, 7:30, 8:00 (Latin), 9:30, 11:00, 12:00, 14.00, 15.30, 17.00, 18:30. 20.15
Holy Masses in the Basilica
5.30, 6; 00, 6:30, 7.00, 7:30, 8:00, 9:00, 11:00, 15:30, 18:30
Sundays and Feasts:
- 5.30, 6.30, 8:00, 10:00, 11:00, 13.00, 17.00, 19.00
Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKAtPxfE2RAHSCwDABMMeAg