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Lichen Basilica – Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lichen
The history of the foundation of the Lichen Basilica dates back to 1813, when Tomasz Kłossowski a Polish soldier fighting under Napoleon near Leipzig was seriously wounded.
He invoked Our Lady, begging her not to let him die in a foreign land. According to legend, she appeared to him wearing a golden crown, a dark red gown, with a golden mantle, and holding a white eagle in her right hand.
She comforted the soldier and promised he would recover and return to Poland. Tomasz was instructed to have an image of her made, and to place the image in a public place so that
“My people will pray before this image and shall draw many graces at My hands in the hardest times of trial.”
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The Curators of the Lichen Basilica
The expansion of the Shrine and the Increase in numbers of Pilgrims coming to Lichen are first and foremost an act of God himself. The Curators of the Shrine are the Marian Fathers, founded by Blessed Fr Stanislaw Papczyński in 1673.
This religious Congregation is the oldest, still alive monastic community to be founded by a Pole. The Congregation of the Marian Fathers Marian has a character.
Its goal is that widen the devotion to the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, help to lead apostolic endeavours and to pray for the deceased.
The image of Our Lady
In the parish church of St. Nicholas. Dorothy in Lichen (province. Poznan, pow. Konin diocese. Włocław) in the upper part of the high altar is a painting called the Icon of Our Lady of Lichen.
This famous miraculous image, has long been revered (as evidenced by votive offerings), evaluates briefly for the arts. This work I have made at the request of the Congregation of Marians who presented this image to me for professional judgment.
The image of the Blessed Virgin Mary is painted with oil paints, partly with gilt on chopping board coated with chalk, covering an area of 9.5 x 15.5 cm. The image shows the upper part of the character of Mary, her head slightly turned to the left (and right when he looks upon him) whilst tilted downwards.
Downcast eyes half-closed, give the very young and delicate face with pearly-pink skin, the expression of melancholy reverie (and perhaps also taking, or meditation). Mary’s head is covered with the robe flowing over her shoulders, shiny gold, richly decorated with ornaments plant-floral rosettes and lined with ornamental stones.
The Government of precious stones is also a garment surrounding the face of Mary. The edges of the garments hanging on her head, on both sides of this precious material, have been decorated with symbols of the Passion.
Between these symbols – some of them are barely visible – on the left side (when you’re looking at) are nails, thorns, cross, spear, sponge, washing hands, the hand that slapped in the face, whips, dice, paschal lamb. On the right side appears: likeness on Veronica’s veil, cock crowing three times, a ladder and a chalice.
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
The Sanctuary
In line with the celebrations of 1,000 years of Polish Christianity, on the 15th August 1967 the Image received a papal crown. The coronation was Performed by the Primate of Poland Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, who as an alumni of the Wloclaw seminary had worked in Lichen and personally was cured of what was in Those times an Incurable Disease.
In 1999 Pope John Paul II visited the Shrine and blessed The church that was under construction. The Holy Father spent two nights in Lichen and during his stay the miraculous image was brought to the Pope’s private chapel in the Papal apartment. On the construction of the church the Pope said: “Brothers and sisters I thank God’s Providence That on my pilgrimage to my homeland I have come to this shrine, that I am able to meet with you surrounded by Spring’s nature on this beautifully painted hillside among fields and woods in order that bless this new church devoted to the devotion to the Mother of God. And look at this massive construction with awe, Which in its architectural splendor is a sign of faith and love towards Mary and her Son. Thanks be to God for this Shrine.“
The present church in Lichen is under the Patronage of the Most Holy Lady of Lichen, where the miraculous image is housed, and it is the largest church in Poland. Due to its Importance in the life of the Church, John Paul II raised it to the rank of Basilica Minor in 2005.
There are two houses within the Pilgrim Shrine, Which can accommodate over 1,000 pilgrims. The Shrine also has its own restaurants, where tasty meals can be bought. These facilities are available are singles pilgrims as well as Those traveling in organized groups.
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
Lichen Stary is located is in the eastern part of the region of Wielkopolska, in the district of Konin, in the municipality of Slesin. Larger town in the vicinity, is away 16 km, Konin, where is to the nearest train station. People traveling by train, from Konin to Lichen can be reached by bus bus station.
– 20 km from Lichen runs motorway A2.
– GPS N 52 ° 19 ’23 “E 18 ° 21′ 28”
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
Basilica – Masses
- 7.30, 12.00
- 18.00 Mass. the intentions of respect for life
Church of St. Dorothy – Masses
- 7.00, 17.00
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
Every day:
- Chaplet of Divine Mercy: 15.00
- Rosary: 15.30
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
Every day:
- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: 14.00-16.00
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
The image of Our Lady
Expert description(made by George Pietrusińskiego, MA in art history of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw).
In the parish church of St. Nicholas. Dorothy in Lichen (province. Poznan, pow. Konin diocese. Włocław) in the upper part of the high altar is a painting called the Icon of Our Lady of Lichen. This famous miraculous image, has long been revered (as evidenced by votive offerings), evaluates briefly for the arts. This work I have made at the request of the Congregation of Marians who presented this image to me for professional judgment.
The image of the Blessed Virgin Mary is painted with oil paints, partly with gilt on chopping board coated with chalk, covering an area of 9.5 x 15.5 cm. The image shows the upper part of the character of Mary, her head slightly turned to the left (and right when he looks upon him) whilst tilted downwards. Downcast eyes half-closed, give the very young and delicate face with pearly-pink skin, the expression of melancholy reverie (and perhaps also taking, or meditation). Mary’s head is covered with the robe flowing over her shoulders, shiny gold, richly decorated with ornaments plant-floral rosettes and lined with ornamental stones.
The Government of precious stones is also a garment surrounding the face of Mary. The edges of the garments hanging on her head, on both sides of this precious material, have been decorated with symbols of the Passion. Between these symbols – some of them are barely visible – on the left side (when you’re looking at) are nails, thorns, cross, spear, sponge, washing hands, the hand that slapped in the face, whips, dice, paschal lamb. On the right side appears: likeness on Veronica’s veil, cock crowing three times, a ladder and a chalice.
Between the two ends of clothes, Mary’s neck adorned with five strings of pearls. On the chest, as if on a small gilded plate, (corners of her are the painted stones) is crowned eagle, with little clear sign, or stone. Overhead Mary herself brought back to the two angels supporting a crown of gold bound in precious stones, and over her sphere with a decorative cross. This theme, as well as plane (the image) is dark green. The image sees traces indicating that the image was subject to restoration: the surface of green color and partly repainted the angels (with the addition of a mixture of paint). However, the very face of Mary remained intact.
On the face of Mary, it can be noted layer of dirt and dust that slightly change its color. Similar changes are also visible directly on top of the whole picture covered with a thin layer of dust. Apart from this, the picture is full of traces of nails, which dress was fastened to the counter. This silver badge (dress), consisting of four parts, was adorned with nine precious stones. The elements forming the sheet metal ornament motives are taken from the image: crown, two angels, Mary’s robe (the clothing). However, some of the symbols that are in the image are omitted: eg. An eagle, or some of the symbols of the Passion. These ornaments made of sheet metal were made by craftsmen in the late nineteenth century. The competent top image is embedded in a larger hole carved chopping board having dimensions of 16 x 25 cm, which extended the original image dimensions.
The whole character of Mary was shielded purple (otherwise than it was at the beginning), behind which was visible only the face of Mary. Angels (in a different way than before) support the crown. The image was so renovated, but the way to carry out this maintenance does not correspond to the modern criteria.
I know of the source on the history of the image, except for the news contained in the booklet Ks. A. Dobrucki “Noah’s Ark or the short message about “obrazie Matki Lady of Lichen”, famous for its graces.” (Wloclawek 1946, pp. 17- 27), so I assume that the image was brought to Lichen by Thomas Kłossowski, blacksmith residing in the village of Izabelin, around mid-nineteenth century. He is – as proclaimed by the news – coming back, as a pilgrim from Czestochowa, He brought the painting from an unknown location. First image experienced worship in his house, then hung it on a tree in the forest, and in 1852. was placed in the parish church. Framed in a gilt frame, with housing on the model of the chapel, constructed in an eclectic style (dominant in the second half of the nineteenth century.), Which was until today. A lot of the data indicates that wonderful image was painted by the Polish artist. However, without detailed research it is impossible to determine at what time and place of this was accomplished. In general we can say that the picture could arise around.
Eighteenth century, which seems to confirm the “Catalogue of Monuments of Art in Poland” (T. 5 province. Poznań with. 8, pow. Konin, ed. J. Eckhardtówna, J. of Orange, Warsaw 1952, p. 18). Product reports that the picture was mentioned at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Deplore should be noted that the authors of the catalog have not taken a thorough expert image. After all, the works of famous artists are sometimes based on the face, because often the rest of the work of artists is painted worse.
In ancient times, the art of painting was practiced by craftsmen in the city’s colleges and monasteries. Some paintings were destined for churches or were sold on the market, private consumers. The way of painting this picture is medieval, or imitating the ancient style. After the Council of Trent way of painting as a Virgin undergone various experiments, and creator of various miraculous images of the most imitated image of Jasna Gora. Lichen image is a copy of the miraculous image of Rokitna lying on Western Pomerania. It is believed that this picture was painted in the studio of the Dutch in the early sixteenth century. Was in Rokitno through Kazimierz Opalewskiego, the Cistercian abbot Bledzewie, because the Cistercians of 1661 years managed the parish in Rokitno. From the beginning the image was worshiped, but worship increasedafter r. 1670, when a special committee recognized the image as a miracle.
The next year it was shown the king of Poland, Michael Korybutowi Wiśniowieckiemu. At that time (or already in the eighteenth century.) Image was covered with the dress adorned in precious stones on which two angels kept the crown on the head of Mary, and on her breasts had a white eagle with the inscription “Da pacem Domine, diebus nostris”. (Cf. A. Brosig, “Imagines miraculosae.” Poznan 1935 G. Chmarzyński and St. Wiliński “Land Międzyrzecka – art.” In “The Earth Lubuska.” Pr. Harvesting. Poznan in 1950, and the devotional literature: ZW “Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Rokitno” Gorzow 1949 p.31). This small painting (27 x 40 cm), which was intended for private worship but soon began to experience a great honor.
Pope Pius VI (Bull issued in 1786.) Gave pilgrimage to Rokitno special indulgence, so that copies the image became common. The image of Our Lady of Lichen it is probably a copy of the image with Rokitna foster a garment with an eagle, which from the beginning was missing in the picture painted by Dutch. This eagle was placed on the image, vows made by King John Casimir in 1656. After defeating Jasna Gora. On this occasion the entire Polish nation, each year gives to the defense of the Mother of God – the Queen of Polish. Lichen image painter fairly accurately imitated image Rokitno. The system, as well as the theme. He gave almost the same face, reinforced the form of gold elements and adorned with symbols of the Passion. Everything is painted on a thin chopping board because it had to serve private devotion of a pilgrim. White Eagle placed on the Image Licheńskie, and other such symbols refer to the eighteenth century. Given that outside the central Polish have not survived any other images like the image of Rokitna. I will now discuss some of the themes of the image. I notice that some topics image correspond dating from the Middle Ages, or derived from Byzantium.
Speaking most generally the image is dominated by two guiding ideas: the royal dignity of Mary and the announcement of the Passion. The first expresses crown, supported by angels, what is the art of painting in the Middle Ages or later. Sign eagle – considered the emblem of the Kingdom and the Republic – points to the Mother of God, as the Queen of the Polish Crown. The second keynote expresses the face of Mary and symbols of the Passion adorning her robe. Face makes one think about the suffering – Mary is taken the future sufferings of her sons. Tools Passion “Arma Christi” was related to Mary. Resonate them with the maxim: “Arma Passionis Christi se armavit Maria Quando contra Diaboli Pugnani se preparavit” – tools of the Passion of Christ armed herself with Mary, against the attacks of the devil himself.
The foregoing close – short summary of conclusions and recommendations: – painting of Our Lady of Lichen is made in Wielkopolska, in the studio of religious workshop, probably in the last quarter of the eighteenth century, as a copy of the miraculous image of Rokitna. Ideological Credo content of the works contain two key messages: Mary as the Queen of the Polish Crown and less frequent in iconic scenes element of the Passion.
Picture can be counted among the precious monuments both in terms of lofty speech, and proper artistic performance of the newly resurgent painting in Poland. This little picture was intended for private devotion, but quickly became the object of a wider cult, which caused a number of adverse changes and damage work that with the light treatment of a conservator may be removed. And so you should: remove later paint; clean image; complete the invoice image and protect it by removing the boards to which it was attached.