Infant Jesus of Prague prayer
Jesus, you decided to become a child, and I´m coming to you full of trust.
I believe that your attentive love forestalls all my needs.
Even for the intercession of your holy Mother,
you can meet my necessities, spiritual as well as material,
if I pray according to your holy will.
I love you with all my heart, all my strength, I beg your pardon if my weakness makes me sin.
I repeat with the Gospel „Lord, if you want you can heal me.“
I leave you decide how and when.
I´m ready to accept suffering, if this is your will,
but help me not to become hardened to it, rather to bear fruit.
Help to be a faithful servant and for your sake, holy Child,
to love my neighbour as myself.
Almighty Child, unceasingly I pray you to support me in my necessities
of the present moment (you can mention it here).
Grant me the grace to remain in you, to be possessed and to possess you entirely,
with your parents, Mary and Joseph, in the eternal praise of your heavenly servants.
Prayer of the Pope Benedict XVI to the Infant Jesus of Prague
During his visit at the Church of Our Lady Victorious in Prague on tje 26th September 2009.
O my Lord Jesus,we gaze on You as a child
and believe that You are the Son of God,
who became Man through the working of the Holy Spirit
in the womb of the Virgin Mary.
Just as in Bethlehem, we too, adore You, with Mary, Joseph,
the angels and the shepherds,
and acknowledge You as our only Savior.
You became poor to enrich us with Your poverty.
Grant that we may never forget the poor and all those who suffer.
Protect our families,bless all the children of the world
and grant that the love You have brought us
may always reign amongst us and lead us to a happier life.
Grant, O Jesus, that all may recognize the truth of Your birth,
so that all may know that You have come to bring
to the whole human family light, joy and peace.
You are God, who live and reign with God the Father,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,one God, forever and ever.