52 Things Sons Need from Their Dads: What Fathers Can Do to Build a Lasting Relationship by Jay Payleitner
When you look at him, you see yourself. But in raw form. When he looks at you – if he’s around kindergarten age – he sees a hero.
To maintain that title, all you have to do is show up and follow your instincts. Goof with him. Toss him around. Play Rock/Scissors/Paper. Read picture books. Marvel with him about bugs, dandelions and shiny rock. Get down on his level and really talk to him Shazam! You’re an instant super hero. I recommend you bask in that title as long as possible.
Too many parents buy into the myth that raising boys is one frustration confrontation after another. Some look at a teenage boy and see nothing but trouble waiting to happen. Don’t believe that lie.
52 Things Sons Need from Their Dads: What Fathers Can Do to Build a Lasting Relationship
Key lessons about Father Son relationship
- What does the bestselling author and father of five children’s propose to other fathers? Children need their father to overcome the difficulties of growing up, so the father should take time for them. Every night he should say good night to the child, talk about the day, pray with him before bedtime. He should maintain this into son’s adulthood, he will torn down the barriers, which have arisen during the day, father, and son will exchange apologies.
- Father should know about his sons: where they are and with whom, who is their best friend, mentor. All children need to hear the words: “I love you.” So they feel loved as a priceless gift of God.
- Father is an example of respect for women. Solid family foundations are also placed when father kisses his wife in front of children, prays with her and respects her.
- Turn off the TV and ban video games for a week or a month. In a peaceful way, teach your son to respect the property of other people – if the father is furious, curses and yells at the children, when they bring from somewhere property from others, he loses his authority.
- When a son is using vulgar words, it should be clear that this offends God and that are many other words he can use. As a Christian, the father should devote time for the word of God and help people in need. The father should also enforce family rules and ensure that children bear the consequences if they do not stick to them.
- Father should love their kids really with all his heart, but leave their lives to the Creator.
52 Things Sons Need from Their Dads: What Fathers Can Do to Build a Lasting Relationship