Basilica of Sainte Anne de Beaupré

Basilica and Shrine of Saint Anne, Avenue Royale, Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré, Québec, Kanada

Website of the Sanctuary


Daily 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Prolonged during the summer

Miracle Cures 

Everything began in 1658 when Louis Guimont, suffering from excruciating back pain, came to help with the construction of the first chapel and was miraculously healed as a result. This would be the first of an endless series of healings. As early as 1665, an Ursuline nun, Blessed Marie de l’Incarnation, wrote the following words to her son:

“Seven leagues from here, there is a village called “The Little Cape”, where there is a church dedicated to Saint Anne in which Our Lord is working great marvels in favour of the holy mother of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary. There, the paralytics walk, the blind can see, and the sick are healed of every kind of illness.”
– Marie de l’incarnation, 1665

Basilica of Sainte Anne de Beaupré

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The pilgrimage history of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré is one that is marked by extraordinary events, which continue even to this day. Every year, the annual report published by Fr. Baillargeon relates about forty such events.


Behind the great statue where pilgrims and visitors kneel and implore Good Saint Anne, we find the consecrated chapel of Saint Anne.This is where a relic of Saint Anne is exhibited, which was given to the Shrine by Pope John XXIII. The great mosaic of this chapel evokes her role as protector of those who are small and humble and all those who suffer.

During the vigil of the Feast of Saint Anne celebrated in 2013, the first statue of Saint Anne brought by Monsignor de Laval in 1662, and worshipped by pilgrims for centuries, was placed on the left, in front of the Saint Anne Chapel altar. Pilgrims and visitors can now admire it always and pray at the feet of this patrimonial statue.

Services at the Shrine

The Redemptorists
The Redemptorists and their collaborators have been the guardians of the Shrine since 1878. Priests are available daily for confession, pastoral guidance and blessings.

Information Centre
Our team is available to answer your questions and to help you plan your visit. You may also present your Mass offerings and subscribe to the Annals of Saint Anne.

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Discover the treasures of the Shrine at your own convenience with an audioguide available in English, French, Italian or Spanish. Audioguides are available at the Information Centre.

The Aides of Saint Anne
Since 1947, the Aides of Saint Anne have voluntarily offered a service for pilgrims with special needs. You may borrow a wheelchair from them.

Basilica of Sainte Anne de Beaupré

Saint Anne Museum
Discover the history of our ancestors through the works of art that bear witness to their devotion to Good Saint Anne.

Basilica Inn
Located across the street from the Basilica, the Basilica Inn offers accommodations and restaurant service. (wheelchair accessible)

Domain Saint Anne
Pilgrims are welcome to use the grounds along the riverside.

History of the Basilica of Sainte Anne de Beaupré

The Basilica is a Sanctuary dedicated to Saint Anne. It is only natural then, that the first images which attract our attention would be about Saint Anne.

Even if we know very little about the life of Saint Anne, the simple fact of being the mother of Mary and the grandmother of Jesus, is sufficient for the Church to recognize and venerate her for centuries.

The entire ceiling mosaic of the Basilica of Sainte Anne de Beaupré describes the life of Saint Anne. It tells the story of her life, the life of a Jewish woman in that era. It speaks of her virtues, which by the way should be ours too. The vault also illustrates to us her glorification.

At the heart of the apse, just above the main altar, we see Saint Anne, the Virgin Mary and the child Jesus. Saint Anne is giving a fruit to Jesus; which is not just a treat from a grandmother to her grandson, it is a marvelous symbol of His Mission as the Redemptor and Saviour of Humanity. It is not a Fruit of Death, like the fruit that Adam and Eve ate, but a Fruit of Life saving us from original sin.

In this glorification, these three people are surrounded by the many Blessed of our church, as well as Saint Joseph, Saint Joachim and Saint John the Baptist. In the background, one can see a large orchestra of elegant musical angels.

Basilica of Sainte Anne de Beaupré

Stained Glass

Creations by Mr. Auguste Labouret, the 240 stained glass windows in the Basilica are very important decorative elements of superb quality. An expert once said that these windows were “the most beautiful since the Middle Ages!”

Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!


Behind the great statue where pilgrims and visitors kneel and implore Good Saint Anne, we find the consecrated chapel of Saint Anne.This is where a relic of Saint Anne is exhibited, which was given to the Shrine by Pope John XXIII. The great mosaic of this chapel evokes her role as protector of those who are small and humble and all those who suffer.

During the vigil of the Feast of Saint Anne celebrated in 2013, the first statue of Saint Anne brought by Monsignor de Laval in 1662, and worshipped by pilgrims for centuries, was placed on the left, in front of the Saint Anne Chapel altar. Pilgrims and visitors can now admire it always and pray at the feet of this patrimonial statue.

Services at the Shrine

The Redemptorists
The Redemptorists and their collaborators have been the guardians of the Shrine since 1878.
Priests are available daily for confession, pastoral guidance and blessings.

Information Centre
Our team is available to answer your questions and to help you plan your visit.
You may also present your Mass offerings and subscribe to the Annals of Saint Anne.

Discover the treasures of the Shrine at your own convenience with an audioguide available in English, French, Italian or Spanish. Audioguides are available at the Information Centre.

The Aides of Saint Anne
Since 1947, the Aides of Saint Anne have voluntarily offered a service for pilgrims with special needs. You may borrow a wheelchair from them.

Saint Anne Museum
Discover the history of our ancestors through the works of art that bear witness to their devotion to Good Saint Anne.

Basilica Inn
Located across the street from the Basilica, the Basilica Inn offers accommodations and
restaurant service. (wheelchair accessible)

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Domain Saint Anne
Pilgrims are welcome to use the grounds along the riverside.


Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!


The Shrine is located 49 kilometres from the airport. There is no shuttle bus. Take a taxi to the Gare du Palais (fixed price), then take the Plumobile bus (local transportation) or the Intercar bus (intercity transportation).

Plumobile schedules:
Intercar schedules:


The Shrine is located 34 kilometres from the Gare du Palais (bus and train terminal). Take the Plumobile bus (local transportation) or the Intercar bus (intercity transportation).

Plumobile schedules:
Intercar schedules:


The Shrine Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré is located 34 kilometres from the Gare du Palais (bus and train terminal). Take the Plumobile bus (local transportation) or the Intercar bus (intercity transportation).

Plumobile schedules:
Intercar schedules:


Here are the distances from some major cities to the Shrine Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré.

Baie-Comeau: 379 km
Gatineau-Ottawa: 462 km
Montréal: 293 km
Rimouski: 352 km
Rouyn-Noranda: 901 km
Sept-Îles: 607 km
Sherbrooke: 272 km
Toronto: 835 km
Ville Saguenay: 249 km

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Need help to plan your trip to Quebec City? Visit the website of the Office du tourisme de Québec:

Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!


  • 8:00 a.m. – Basilica / FRENCH
  • 9:30 a.m. – Basilica / FRENCH
  • 11:00 a.m. – Basilica / FRENCH
  • 12:30 p.m. – Basilica / FRENCH
  • 5:00 p.m. – Basilica / FRENCH


  • 7:10 a.m. – Blessed Sacrament Chape / FRENCH (Televised Mass)
  • 11:30 a.m. – Basilica / FRENCH
  • 4:00 p.m. – Basilica / FRENCH

Monday to Friday:

  • 7:10 a.m. – Blessed Sacrament Chape / FRENCH (Televised Mass)
  • 11:30 a.m. – Basilica / FRENCH
  • 4:00 p.m. – Basilica / FRENCH

Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!

The Basilica of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré

The Basilica is a shrine dedicated to Saint Anne. It is therefore natural that the first images that attract our attention speak of Saint Anne. Even though we know little about Saint Anne, the mere fact of being the mother of Mary and the grandmother of Jesus is enough for the Church’s recognition and veneration since time immemorial.

Mosaic Vault

The entire vault of the Basilica of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré speaks to us of Saint Anne. It tells us about her life, the life of a holy Jewish woman of this time. It speaks about her virtues which, by the way, should also be ours. And it also tells us about her glorification.

In the centre of the apse, just above the main altar, we see Saint Anne, the Virgin Mary and the Baby Jesus. Saint Anne is presenting a fruit to Jesus, which is not simply a treat from grandmother to her grandson, but a wonderful symbol of his mission of Redeemer and Saviour of mankind. It’s not a fruit of death like the fruit that Adam and Eve ate but a fruit of life, atonement for the original error. In this glorification, these three persons are surrounded by several Blessed of our Church along with Saint Joseph, Saint Joachim and Saint John the Baptist. In the background can be seen a great orchestra and elegant Angel musicians.

Stained Glass

Creations by Mr. Auguste Labouret, the 240 stained glass windows in the Basilica are very important decorative elements of superb quality. An expert once said that these windows were “the most beautiful since the Middle Ages!”

In the apse (vault above the High Altar), Christ is the first Person that attracts our attention. Draped with his red garment, He is located in the canopy just above the High Altar. He is surrounded by prophets and patriarchs from the Old Testament who predicted and announced His coming.

At the same level, in the central nave: a little history of the Church by the presentation of well-known witnesses, all the saints, grouped in threes: papal saints, doctor saints, martyr saints and religious figures.

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At the middle level, in the transepts, one can read the most beautiful page of the Bible: the Beatitudes. At the same level, in the ambulatory (surrounding the sanctuary): the apostle’s gallery; and in the nave, the tremendous devotion to St. Anne from different locations in North America. On the lower sides, important dates and events in the history of this pilgrimage.

The Evangelists

On the four central pillars are the writers of the four gospels (Mark, Matthew, Luke and John), who wrote their experiences, which we still re-read and which show Jesus as alive, present and close to us.

The Capitals

The capitals crowning the columns let us see some remarkable art that recounts the Gospels: the life of Christ, from His birth to His death and resurrection. These sculptures by Master Émile Brunet are considered as masterpieces… and could well be the most beautiful capitals in the world.

The Pews

The celebrations bring together the children of God. But it’s a hymn of all creation that rises from the great nave of the Basilica, as if the 260 plants and animals sculpted into the benches unite discreetly in this hymn of thanksgiving.

The Floor

Even the floor speaks. When we enter the Basilica Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré, we see three diamonds in which are illustrated the concupiscences of man: power, wealth and pleasures. In themselves, these are not bad things; they are even necessary, but in moderation. In the central aisle, seven medallions illustrate the so-called capital sins. They remind us of our limits. We come here to meet the Lord, but we realize that we often move away from Him.



This building is in Romanesque Revival style and built in the shape of a cross. The Basilica is approximately 100 metres high, from the floor to the top of the bell towers. It is about 60 metres wide at the transept crossing and 50 metres at the façade. The building extends about 100 metres in length.


The tympanic: St. Anne in her glory! At her feet and on either side is a long frieze showing important moments in the history of this, our devotion. Just above the tympanic, the Angel of the Pilgrim watches over the faithful who come to visit Saint Anne each year. Above, the 12 Apostles surround the large rose window. Finally, several statues decorate the façade including Mary, Joseph, Joachim, John the Baptist, Bishop François de Laval and Mary of the Incarnation, all masterpieces of the Quebec sculptor, Émile Brunet.


The main doors of the Basilica are hand-made of copper and they present many scenes of the life of Jesus. This exceptional work of art created by the artist Albert Gilles was originally hanging on the doors of the St. Joseph Church in Quebec City in the 1950’s. The three double doors alone represent 12 months of laborious work. After the closing of this church in 2003, Albert Gille’s masterpiece was given a second chance at life when it was transferred to the Saint Anne de Beaupré Basilica the same year, to the great benefit of pilgrims and visitors.


At the peak, between the two bell towers, you can find the statue of Saint Anne which was saved from the destructive fire of the first Basilica in 1922.


To enter a Basilica is to enter a sacred place where an atmosphere of peace reigns. It’s the House of God. Let us discover this place, whose decoration is like a great history book, a sacred history, our history.

Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!

History of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré

The Basilica is a Sanctuary dedicated to Saint Anne. It is only natural then, that the first images which attract our attention would be about Saint Anne. Even if we know very little about the life of Saint Anne, the simple fact of being the mother of Mary and the grandmother of Jesus, is sufficient for the Church to recognize and venerate her for centuries.

The entire ceiling mosaic of the Basilica Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré describes the life of Saint Anne. It tells the story of her life, the life of a Jewish woman in that era. It speaks of her virtues, which by the way should be ours too. The vault also illustrates to us her glorification.

At the heart of the apse, just above the main altar, we see Saint Anne, the Virgin Mary and the child Jesus. Saint Anne is giving a fruit to Jesus; which is not just a treat from a grandmother to her grandson, it is a marvelous symbol of His Mission as the Redemptor and Saviour of Humanity. It is not a Fruit of Death, like the fruit that Adam and Eve ate, but a Fruit of Life saving us from original sin.

In this glorification, these three people are surrounded by the many Blessed of our church, as well as Saint Joseph, Saint Joachim and Saint John the Baptist. In the background, one can see a large orchestra of elegant musical angels.

Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!

Posted in Canada and North America