From its initiation in 1968 to this day, Capuchin Retreat is a Center for Spirituality. A place to find God more deeply or newly in ones life. “Retreat” is a treat for all.
To retreat or to step back gives one the ability to look at ones life and relationships with self, others, and God. All are welcome there. See more Catholic Shrines and pilgrimages in North America.
Located one hour North of Detroit, Capuchin Retreat’s 95 acres of gentle meadows and quiet woodlands offer a wonderful opportunity to renew your peace of mind and bring yourself to prayer.
The beautifully appointed lounge, complete with fireplace, is the perfect spot to gather your thoughts. The chapel and dining area, and two conference rooms are air conditioned for your comfort. Daily Mass is offered Monday through Saturday at 8 AM in the chapel. Each bedroom has a ceiling fan and a private bath for your convenience. See top 15 Catholic shrines in the world.
Retreat weekend at the Capuchin Retreat center
A typical retreat weekend begins with orientation at 7:30 on Friday evening. Throughout the weekend, four conferences are given. Prayer experiences are led by staff members and liturgies are celebrated on Saturday and Sunday. Ample time is allotted for personal prayer, reflection, and rest. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is made available and a healing service is offered. Staff members are also available for individual consultation with retreatants. The program concludes with a meal following the Sunday morning liturgy.
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
Retreat weekend
A typical retreat weekend begins with orientation at 7:30 on Friday evening. Throughout the weekend, four conferences are given. Prayer experiences are led by staff members and liturgies are celebrated on Saturday and Sunday. Ample time is allotted for personal prayer, reflection, and rest. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is made available and a healing service is offered. Staff members are also available for individual consultation with retreatants. The program concludes with a meal following the Sunday morning liturgy.
A silent retreat is one in which those attending maintain a quiet atmosphere from after the opening orientation session until the closing liturgy. An atmosphere of quiet promotes an environment of deep listening. Such deep listening is useful for rest of body and soul, and attentiveness to the presence and action of God. All of our theme retreats maintain silence or atmosphere of quiet.
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
From the East and From Detroit
1. North on Van Dyke/M53 freeway
2. Left/west onto 26 Mile Road for 1 mile
3. Right/north onto Mound Rd. 2 miles
4. Left/west onto 28 Mile Rd
5. Right/north onto Mt. Vernon Rd 3/4 mile
From the West
1. Take I-75 to Rochester Rd exit
2. North on Rochester Road/M-150
3. Proceed thru Troy and Rochester to Snell Rd.
4. Right onto Snell Rd. to end (2 1/2 miles)
5. Left onto Mt. Vernon Rd for 1 mile
1. Proceed to Van Dyke on I-696
2. Take Van Dyke/M-53 North
3. Left/west onto 26 mile Rd 1 mile
4. Right/north onto Mound Rd 2 miles
5. Left/west onto 28 mile Rd
6. Right onto Mt. Vernon Rd. for 3/4 mil
From the North
1. I-75 to I-69 East
2. Exit M-53 or Van Dyke (Imlay City) south
3. Proceed south on the by-pass around Romeo
4. At 32 Mile Road turn right or west to Main St.
5. At Main Street/Van Dyke go south to 28 mile
6. Right on 28 Mile Road 3 miles
7. Right onto Mt. Vernon road for 3/4 mile
From Sarnia, Ontario
1. At bridge take I-94 toward Detroit
2. Exit 26 Mile Road west take to Mound
3. Right/north onto Mound Rd for 2 miles
4. Left/west onto 28 Mile
5. Right onto Mt. Vernon 3/4 mile
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
- Weekdays 8.00 AM
- Saturdays 8.00 AM
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
North Macomb’s best kept secret began in the 1950’s when Fr. Lawrence Merten started offering retreats at a home in St. Clair, Michigan, which had been donated to the Capuchins. These retreats became so popular that the home soon became too small to handle all who wished to attend the retreats.
In 1965, Michigan native and Capuchin retreatant, Art Zaske of Mt. Vernon, provided a 95-acre plot of land for purchase, giving Fr. Simon Hesse the challenge of raising the necessary funds to build a retreat house on this beautiful, rural property. Fr. Simon accepted the challenge.
It was on April 2, 1968, the very Rev. Rupert Dorn, Capuchin Provincial, laid the cornerstone of the Capuchin Retreat. The retreat center was built on the highest point of the property and the remaining land remained rural and untouched.
The beginning of June saw our first guests, who were 36 Capuchins, gathering to implement the documents of Vatican II. One month later, July 12th, the first silent retreat was offered for 38 women. The “Retreat Master” was Fr. Gerard Hesse, OFM Cap. the brother of the founder and first Director, Fr. Simon Hesse OFM Cap. Our first Canadian guests arrived from Sarnia for the weekend of November 29th.
The first year, June 1968 to June 1969, had a total of 2,975 guests at Capuchin Retreat. The center hosted 3 groups, held 34 weekend retreats and had 3 sisters retreats plus 5 days of recollection.
Fr. Roland Dusick, OFM Cap. became the Retreat Master in August of 1968 and preached all the retreats and days of recollection by himself until August of 1969.
In order to keep up with the changing times Capuchin Retreat updated the chapel, lounge, library, conference room and front offices in 1999 as a way to better meet the needs of each retreatant. In 2008 the comfortable bedrooms with private bath were updated with new furniture and light fixtures.The dining room provides a peaceful place to partake of delicious meals. The lounge with fireplace and view of the outdoors offers an added place to relax and pray.
From its initiation in 1968 to this day, Capuchin Retreat is a Center for Spirituality. A place to find God more deeply or newly in ones life. “Retreat” is a treat for all. To retreat or to step back gives one the ability to look at ones life and relationships with self, others, and God. All are welcome there.