Medjugorje visionaries today – Ivanka Ivankovic, Mirjana Dragicevic, Vicka Ivankovic, Ivan Dragicevic, Marija Pavlovic and Jakov Colo

On June 24, 1981, at about 6 pm, six young parishioners from Medjugorje: Ivanka Ivankovic, Mirjana Dragicevic, Vicka Ivankovic, Ivan Dragicevic, Ivan Ivankovic, and Milka Pavlovic, saw on the hill Crnica (on the place called Podbrdo) an apparition, a white form with a child in her arms. Surprised and scared, they did not approach.

The next day at the same time, June 25, 1981, four of them, Ivanka Ivankovic, Mirjana Dragicevic, Vicka Ivankovic, and Ivan Dragicevic, felt strongly drawn towards the place where, the day before, they saw the One who they had recognized as Our Lady. Marija Pavlovic and Jakov Colo joined them. The group of Medjugorje visionaries was formed. They prayed with Our Lady and talked to Her. From that day onward, they had daily apparitions, together or separately. Milka Pavlovic and Ivan Ivankovic have never seen Our Lady anymore.

Medjugorje visionaries today

Marija Pavlović-Lunetti

Marija Pavlović-Lunetti was born on April the 1st, 1965, in Bijakovići, in Medjugorje. She has had daily apparitions since June 25, 1981. Since March 1, 1984, Our Lady has given her messages to convey to the parish on every Thursday. Since 1987, Our Lady is giving her messages for the whole world on the 25th of every month. Nine secrets have been revealed to Marija. For most of the year, Marija lives with her husband Paolo and their four children in Monza, Italy. Her special prayer intention is for the souls in purgatory.

Mirjana Dragićević-Soldo

Mirjana Dragićević-Soldo was born on March 18, 1965, in Sarajevo. She had daily apparitions until Christmas of 1982. During this last daily apparition, the Queen of Peace revealed the tenth secret to her and told her that, from then on, She would be appearing to her on the 18th of March, date of Mirjana’s birthday, for the rest of her life. Since the 2nd of August 1987, Mirjana hears the voice of Our Lady and also sees her on the second of every month. This apparition is to pray for those who have not yet experienced the love of God. Mirjana lives with her husband Marko and her children Veronika and Marija in Bijakovici, near the Podbrdo in Medjugorje.

Ivan Dragićević

Ivan Dragićević was born on May 25, 1965, in Bijakovici, in Medjugorje. He has had daily apparitions since June 24, 1981. Along with his wife Laureen and their children Kristina, Mikaela, Daniel and Matthew, he lives in Boston for part of the year and in Bijakovici for the other. He has been entrusted with nine secrets. His special intention is to pray for the youth, the church and families.

Jakov Čolo

Jakov Čolo, the youngest of the Medjugorje visionaries, was born on March 6, 1971, in Sarajevo. He had his last daily apparition on September 12, 1998, when he received the tenth secret. During this apparition, Our Lady promised that She would appear to him every year on Christmas Day. Jakov lives in Bijakovići in the parish of Medjugorje with his wife Analisa and his three children Arijana, David and Mirjam. He prays especially for the ill.

Ivanka Ivanković-Elez

The first to see the Woman with the Child in Her hands-on Podbrdo, in Medjugorje, on June 24, 1981, was Ivanka Ivanković-Elez, born on the 21st of June 1966. Our Lady appeared to her every day until May 7, 1985, when the 10th secret was revealed to her. Since then, the Queen of Peace has been appearing to her once a year, on the anniversary of the apparitions, on the 25th of June. During the daily apparitions, Our Lady told Ivanka of Her life and continues to do so during the annual apparitions. Ivanka will publish this bibliography when Our Lady grants her permission to do so. Ivanka lives in the village of Miletina in the parish of Medjugorje. She is married to Rajko and they have three children, Kristina, Josip, and Ivo. Her special intention is to pray for families.

Vicka Ivanković-Mijatović

Vicka Ivanković-Mijatović was born on September 3, 1964, in Bijakovići, in Medjugorje. She has had daily apparitions since June 24, 1981. She has been entrusted with nine secrets. Along with her husband Mario and their children Marija Sofia and Ante, she lives in Krehin Gradac, near Medjugorje. Her special prayer intention is to pray for the sick.

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