Velehrad Basilica of the Assumption and St Cyril and Methodius

Basilica of Assumption of Mary and Saint Cyrillus and Methodius, Nádvoří, Velehrad, Češka republika

Website of the Sanctuary

+42 572 420 140

Welcome to the Roman Catholic parish and place of pilgrimage which is located between the foothills of Chřiby 7 km from the Hungarian settlement in a picturesque part of Slovakia. It is an important spiritual center, the site of numerous religious pilgrimages, gatherings, and celebrations.

Honorary Gold Rose for St Cyril and Methodius Basilica from Pope John Paul II

Golden Rose can be seen in the underground basilica and the feast-day of St Cyril and Methodius on the altar in the basilica and in the stands.

The Golden Rose is a gold ornament, which popes of the Catholic Church have traditionally blessed annually. It is occasionally conferred as a token of reverence or affection. Recipients have included churches and sanctuaries, royalty, military figures, and governments.

Velehrad Basilica of the Assumption and St Cyril and Methodius

Top 15 Catholic shrines around the world.

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Velehrad is one of the most important pilgrimage sites in Moravia. The history of this place began more than 800 years ago when at the river valleys Salaška the first 12 Cistercian monks at nearby village Veligrad (Old Town today) built their monastery.

It is on the basis that monastery got its name and soon became the bearer of much older spiritual tradition that dates back to the 9th century when came to Moravia Slavonic missionaries Constantine and Methodius. And so for centuries to Velehrad flow thousands of pilgrims, to whom he joined in 1990 as well, Pope John Paul II.

Plenary Indulgence in Basilica on dates:

  • Participation in the rites of Holy Thursday;
  • participation in the ceremonies of Great Friday;
  • participation in the ceremonies of the Easter Vigil;
  • Sunday of Divine Mercy – adoration before the tabernacle, the Lord’s Prayer, I believe Invoke. Jesus, I trust in You;
  • the feast of the First Holy Communion;
  • the feast of Corpus Christi participation in the Eucharistic procession;
  • the feast of the Sacred Heart;
  • the feast of St. Peter and Paul (29.6);
  • the day of the Portiuncula (2.8);
  • the day of the titular feast (05.07, 08.15);
  • the anniversary of the dedication of the temple (02.10);
  • the feast of All Saints (11/01) – Only in the afternoon;
  • the day of memories of all the faithful departed (2.11)
  • on the Feast of Christ the King;

Two brothers from Thessaloniki St Cyril and Methodius

Two brothers from Thessaloniki Vol. Cyril and Methodius in recognition for their merits for the introduction of Christianity to Moravia were called “Apostles of the Slavs”. Cyril, whose real name was Konstantin, took the name Cyril until later in the monastery, and Methodius were sent by the Byzantine Emperor circa. 860 to the Black Sea, to preach Christianity among the Slavs. Both monks found on a missionary journey to the Khazars remains of Pope Clement I, and later brought to Rome, where they are still kept.

In 862 the Emperor Michael III. sent two brothers to Moravia, because Prince Rostislav pleaded for the Slavic-speaking priest.

The first thing to introduce Cyril and Methodius introduced was Slavic language in worship. Cyril even created his own font (“glycolic”) based on the Greek italics and some Arabic. This font using 38 liters codified Slavonic language.

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Therefore, the two brothers are among the founders of Slavic literature. Cyril himself translated into Slavonic Gospel apoštolář, missal, and psalter, and wrote the foreword to the four Gospels.

Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!

Holy Mass: Sunday 7:30 10:00 15:00 The tour is possible from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The tour is possible from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Monday 6:30 The tour is possible from 7:30 to 2:30 p.m
Tuesday 18:00 The tour is possible from 7:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday 6:30 The tour is possible from 7:30 to 2:30 p.m.
Thursday 18:00 The tour is possible from 7:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Friday 6:30 18:00 The tour is possible from 9:00 to 5:30 p.m.
Saturday 9:00 18:00 The tour is possible from 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!

The pride of the parish is the beautiful baroque basilica (built on Roman foundations) with adjoining buildings of the former Cistercian monastery. In the underground basilica’s lapidary is accessible. In the courtyard in front of the Basilica, Holy Mass was celebrated April 22, 1990 with Pope John Paul II. The basilica with adjoining buildings and the area was in April 2008, declared a national cultural monument.

Parish is unique in that it is based on not only the normal life of the parish but also of pilgrimage.

The founders of the monastery were Moravian Margrave Vladislav Henry and his brother Premysl Otakar I. and Robert Bishop of Olomouc. Construction of the church started probably in the years 1210-1215. Like most of the Cistercian churches received patrocinium Assumption. (Spolupatronát Cyril and Methodius was annexed in 1932 by decree of Pope Pius XI. The title of basilica cathedral was honored in 1928 by decision of Pope Pius XI.).

Two brothers from Thessaloniki Cyril and Methodius

Two brothers from Thessaloniki Vol. Cyril and Methodius in recognition for their merits for the introduction of Christianity to Moravia were called “Apostles of the Slavs”. Cyril, whose real name was Konstantin, took the name Cyril until later in the monastery, and Methodius were sent by the Byzantine Emperor circa. 860 to the Black Sea, to preach Christianity among the Slavs. Both monks found on a missionary journey to the Khazars remains of Pope Clement I, and later brought to Rome, where they are still kept.
In 862 the Emperor Michael III. sent two brothers to Moravia, because Prince Rostislav pleaded for the Slavic-speaking priest.

The first thing to introduce Cyril and Methodius introduced was Slavic language in worship. Cyril even created his own font (“glycolic”) based on the Greek italics and some Arabic. This font using 38 liters codified Slavonic language. Therefore, the two brothers are among the founders of Slavic literature. Cyril himself translated into Slavonic Gospel apoštolář, missal, and psalter, and wrote the foreword to the four Gospels.

Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!

Posted in Czech Republik and Europe