Marian Pilgrimage route from France to Spain

The Marian Pilgrimage route from France to Spain is an itinerary of cultural and religious interest that links up the sanctuaries of:

  1. Our Lady of the El Pilar – Zaragoza, Spain
  2. Torreciudad sanctuary -Huesca, Spain
  3. Montserrat sanctuary – Barcelona, Spain
  4. Meritxell – Andorra
  5. Lourdes – France

Guided by the faith, spirituality and Marian Devotion, the itinerary possesses a great wealth in touristic spaces, nature, architecture, gastronomy or charming villages with a special enchantment.

The route goes through the Autonomic communities (regions) of Aragon and Catalonia in Spain, through the regions of Aquitaine and Mid-Pyrenees in France and through the Principality of Andorra.

Therefore, it is a multicultural itinerary with wide variety of additional travelling options to choose from and where each sanctuary has its own qualities and characteristics.

Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar in Zaragoza

According to an old tradition, the arrival of Virgin Mary in mortal flesh to Zaragoza is the origin of the Sanctuary and its devotion.

As per this tradition, the Apostle James was in Cesaraugusta (currently Saragossa) preaching the Gospel. Faced with people´s disbelieves, Saint James got discouraged. In such a difficult times, he saw Virgin Mary who came to comfort him and to renew his spirit.

The Holy Virgin gave James the Pillar, a veined marble column in which her image stands today, as a symbol of the strength that his faith should have. Virgin Mary asked James to build a temple using the column she brought as foundation, becoming the first Marian temple in the Christianity.

Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar in Zaragoza, Spain - 1st Marian sanctuary in the world

How to get to the Pilar – How to get to Zaragoza

The Basilique of the Pilar is located in the city center of Zaragoza, near of Ebro rive. To 300 km of cities like Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and Bilbao. Very easy to get it by train (Ave) and road. Access and distances from the other sanctuaries of the route:

  • From Torreciudad (149 km.), by Barbastro – Huesca
  • From Montserrat (270 km.), by Lérida – Fraga
  • From Lourdes (por túnel de Somport, 305 km.), by Tarbes – Pau – Canfranc – Jaca – Huesca
  • From Meritxell (309 km.), by La Seu d’Urgell y Lleida

Torreciudad sanctuary

Torreciudad is today a meeting and pilgrimage point for thousands of people and it is one of the most visited places in the Pyrenees. All the activities that take place are centered in the cult and veneration to the Virgin.

The image can be considered a piece of great interest, from both the historic and artistic point of view. This type of iconography is the kind known as the “Majesty of Our Lady” or “Sedes Sapientiae”. It was widely used during the High Middle Ages.

Marian Pilgrimage route from France to SpainHow to get to Torreciudad

Torreciudad is situed in the region of Huesca, to 24 km. from Barbastro. Access and distances from the other sanctuaries of the route:

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  • From the Pilar (149 km.), byr Huesca – Barbastro
  • From Montserrat (208 km.), by Lérida – Binéfar – Monzón – Barbastro
  • From Lourdes (por túnel de Bielsa, 198 km.), by Tarbes – Capvern les Bains – Bielsa – Ainsa
  • From Meritxell (243 km.), by La Seu d’Urgell-Balaguer-Binefar-Monzón-Barbastro

Montserrat Monastery and the Mountain with Our Lady of Montserrat – La Moreneta

The existing devotion for Virgin of Montserrat, together with the singularity of the surrounding area and the cultural importance of the monastery make Montserrat a different place. A characteristic that makes this Marian destination different is the fact that Montserrat is not only a sanctuary, but a monastery and a mountain. 

Marian Pilgrimage route from France to SpainHow to get to Montserrat

The sanctuary of the Montserrat is located in the Montserrat Natural, to 60 km. from Barcelona. You can arrive on foot (walking up the mountain), by road, by Cremallera and train (Barcelona-Manresa line) and by Aeri (Cable car).

Access and distances from the other sanctuaries of the route:

  • From Torreciudad (208 km.), by Barbastro – Monzón – Binéfar – Lérida
  • From the Pilar (270 km.), by Fraga – Lérida
  • From Lourdes (por túnel de Bielsa, 398 km.), by Tarbes – Capvern les Bains – Bielsa – Barbastro – Monzón – Lérida
  • From Meritxell (170 km.), by La Seu d’Urgell – Bellver de Cerdaña – Berga

Sanctuary of Our Lady of Meritxell

It is the symbol and emblem of a passionate nation. The church of Meritxell (the new church), has been recently recognised with the title and the honour of ‘Minor Basilica’. The title was granted by Pope Francis.

Marian Pilgrimage route from France to SpainHow to get to Meritxell – How to get to Andorra

Meritxell belong to the Principality of Andorra, a little country situed between France and Spain. Access and distances from the other sanctuaries of the route:

  • From Torreciudad (234 km.), by Barbastro – Monzón – Lleida – Balaguer – Ponts – La Seu D’Urgell
  • From Montserrat (169 km.), by Manresa – Berga – Bellver de Cerdanya – La Seu D’Urgell
  • From the Pilar (300 km.), by Fraga – Lleida – Balaguer – Ponts – La Seu D’Urgell
  • From Lourdes (274 km.), by Tarbes – Capvern le Bains – Saint Girons – Foix – Ax les Thermes

Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes and the Grotto of Massabielle

Several churches and basilicas in Lourdes associated with Marian apparitions receive over 5 million pilgrims a year, making Lourdes the second most visited Christian pilgrimage site in Europe after Rome.

Each year, 700 tons of candles burn for you and those who have not been able to come. The volutes of smoke represent millions of intentions of prayers and wishes. Also, light is a very important sign in the sacred history.

The water of Lourdes has become popular because of the miracles. 50 official miracles are apparently linked to the use of this water, no matter if it has been drunk or used as a bath. Men have created the fountains, the baths and the way of the waterMarian Pilgrimage route from France to SpainHow to get to Lourdes (France)

The Sanctuary of Lourdes is located in the city of Lourdes, on the south of France, not far from de spanish border and very near of the Tarbes.
Access and distances from the other sanctuaries of the route:

  • From Torreciudad (198 km.), by Barbastro – Aínsa – Bielsa – Capvern les Bains – Tarbes
  • From Montserrat (398 km.), by Lérida – Monzón – Barbastro – Aínsa – Bielsa – Capvern les Bains – Tarbes
  • From the Pilar (305 km.), by Huesca – Jaca – Canfranc – Pau – Tarbes
  • From Meritxell (280 km.), by Ax les Thermes- Foix- Lannemezan-Tarbes

Sanctuaries Information Center

To contact with the sanctuaries directly to ask them any doubt, to make a consult, to book a guided visit, to reserve a mass or to do any process, are availables the differents ‘Sanctuaries Information Center’.

Pillar, Zaragoza

Telephone: 976 29 95 64
Fax: 976 20 07 52
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:

Postal address:
Cabildo Metropolitano de Zaragoza
Pza. de la Seo, s/n
50001 – Zaragoza

Torreciudad, Huesca

Telephone: 974 30 40 25
Fax: 974 30 41 71
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:

Postal address:
Santuario de Torreciudad
22391 Torreciudad (Huesca)

Montserrat, Barcelona

Telephone: 93 877 77 01
Fax: 93 877 77 24
E-mail 1: [email protected]
E-mail 2: [email protected]
Web site:

Postal address:
Santuario de Montserrat
08199 Monestir de Montserrat (Barcelona)

Lourdes, France

Telephone: +(33) 5 62 42 2008
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:

Postal address:
Santuario de Lourdes
1, avenue Mgr Théas
65108 LOURDES Cedex (Francia)

Meritxell, Andorra

Telephone: +(376) 851 253
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:

Postal address:
Santuario de Meritxell
AD 100 Canillo (Principado de Andorra)


Marian route increases the number of visitors each year. Around 12 million people visit the five sanctuaries all together.

This is the result of the importance and great interest that generates among pilgrims and visitors.

Currently it is one of the most popular Marian pilgrimage destinations in Europe, as well as in Central and South America. See also European Marian Network – 21 European shrines dedicated to Our Lady.

Source: Marian Route

Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!