Malolos Cathedral
Style of the Church. The predominant feature of the Cathedral church is semi-circular arch in its lower part that somehow suggests a Baroque influence. The ornamentation is moderate; the massing is well balanced and the symmetrical movement of the columns and openings almost Neo-Classic. The facade is divided by single and coupled Doric columns in three segments, and is dominated by the large semi- circular arches of the openings of the first level, and the smaller ones superimposed on the second level which are alternately semi-circular and segmented.
The triangular pediment strongly outlined by heavily projecting broken cornices is topped by a sort of acroteria in the center and by torch like finials. A statued niche flanked by fluted pilasters topped by a segmented canopy crowns the stilted frame of the center window. Triglyphs decorate the frieze and a stylized Augustinian emblem decorates the center of the pediment. The over-all impression is one of the neatness of line, counterbalanced by the dramatic circular depth less of the openings.
Malolos Cathedral Mass Schedule
The Christianization of Malolos
The Christianization of Malolos. After the Spanish missionaries evangelized Pampanga, the ans went to Bulacan, starting with Calumpit. Fray Diego Ordoñez de Vivar and his companions landed at Kanalate in 1580 where they built a small chapel. Fray Diego Ordoñez is recorded as having established the first Christian communities. Later they moved further in land and built a bigger chapel in Kaingin.
The Augustinian Chapter of June 11, 1580 accepted Malolos as a house of the Order. The parish was established under the advocation of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception. In 1673, it was established as parish with Fr. Francisco Lopez as its first parish priest. It was also on that year that the town of Malolos was established. The construction of the stone church was started when the barrios of Atlag and Pinagbakahan were being and bridges connected the barrios of Atlag, Mambog, Santiago and Liyang to each other.
The Construction of the Church
The Construction of the Church. The first convent and church, probably built of light materials, were finished in 1591, as the Catalogo attest. Fr. Roque Barrionuevo reconstructed and enlarged the buildings in 1691. In 1707, the principal of the town petitioned Governor General Domingo Zabalburu de Echevarria to free the inhabitants of Malolos from rendering personal service and to allow them instead to work in the construction of the church. Fr. Fernando Sanchez reconstructed the buildings with strong materials in 1734; Fr. Juan de Meseguer completed the construction in 1740; and Fr. Manuel Baceta applied the finishing touches in 1744.
The Church becomes a Cathedral. The church underwent further renovations and repairs in preparation for its inauguration as the Diocesan Cathedral, and the installation of its first Bishop, Most Rev. Manuel del Rosario D. D. on March 11, 1962. In the advent of the reforms brought by Vatican II, the old altar was torn down and Msgr. Virgilio Soriano commissioned a new one in 1967. A statue the Immaculate Conception donated by Amparo Bautista-Julian was also placed at the top of the bell tower. Stained glass windows, crafted by Krautt, were also installed in the upper part of the cathedral’s facade: the Immaculate Conceptio patterned after Murillo’s painting; the driving away of Adam and Eve from Paradise and the Annunciation.
The communion rail was also dismantled and the sanctuary was renovated when the cathedral was consecrated during the tenure of its second residential Bishop, Most Rev.Cirilo Almario Jr. D. D. on December 4, 1976. Stained glass windows with the images of the Blessed Virgin of Lourdes and the Miraculous Medal were also placed at opposite windows in the sanctuary. Celing Marasigan, a religious painter from nearby Paombong, also improved the paintings of the four evangelists. The old convento, which by this time was only half the size of the original, was reconstructed and expanded to accommodale the Bishop’s residence, Chancery office and parish convent. This reconstruction of the historic Malolos convent was chaired by Dr. Johnny Reyes in preparation for the 400 years Christianization of Malolos.
The Present. During the lime ol Msgr. Macario Manahan from 1990-92, the adoration chapel was built in coordination with the Handugan Foundation. The social hall at the sacristy was erected. The old baptistery was turned into a mortuary chapel and a crypt below the main altar was constructed. When Bishop Rolando J. Tria Tirona, OCD, D.D. became Bishop and Moderator of the Team Ministry, renovations and repairs were also done in the cathedral church and the patio. The adoration chapel and the parish hall were refurbished. The patio underwent renewed repairs and re-painting. The lampposts were fixed and rehabilitated. Since it was the Centennial Year celebration, Bulacan Gardens offered to landscape the garden surrounding the patio.
- www.geocities.ws/dioecesismalolosinus
- By Patrickroque01 at English Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6322595
- By Ramon FVelasquez – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1821959
- By Ramon FVelasquez – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1821914
- By Ramon FVelasquez – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=18219598
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
Malolos Cathedral
Style of the Church. The predominant feature of the Cathedral church is semi-circular arch in its lower part that somehow suggests a Baroque influence. The ornamentation is moderate; the massing is well balanced and the symmetrical movement of the columns and openings almost Neo-Classic. The facade is divided by single and coupled Doric columns in three segments, and is dominated by the large semi- circular arches of the openings of the first level, and the smaller ones superimposed on the second level which are alternately semi-circular and segmented.
The triangular pediment strongly outlined by heavily projecting broken cornices is topped by a sort of acroteria in the center and by torchlike finials. A statued niche flanked by fluted pilasters topped by a segmented canopy crowns the stilted frame of the center window. Triglyphs decorate the frieze and a stylized Augustinian emblem decorates the center of the pediment. The over-all impression is one of the neatness of line, counterbalanced by the dramatic circular depthless of the openings.
Let us remain close in the same prayer! May the Lord bless you abundantly!
The Construction of the Church
The Construction of the Church. The first convent and church, probably built of light materials, were finished in 1591, as the Catalogo attest. Fr. Roque Barrionuevo reconstructed and enlarged the buildings in 1691. In 1707, the principal of the town petitioned Governor General Domingo Zabalburu de Echevarria to free the inhabitants of Malolos from rendering personal service and to allow them instead to work in the construction of the church. Fr. Fernando Sanchez reconstructed the buildings with strong materials in 1734; Fr. Juan de Meseguer completed the construction in 1740; and Fr. Manuel Baceta applied the finishing touches in 1744.
The Church becomes a Cathedral. The church underwent further renovations and repairs in preparation for its inauguration as the Diocesan Cathedral, and the installation of its first Bishop, Most Rev. Manuel del Rosario D. D. on March 11, 1962. In the advent of the reforms brought by Vatican II, the old altar was torn down and Msgr. Virgilio Soriano commissioned a new one in 1967. A statue the Immaculate Conception donated by Amparo Bautista-Julian was also placed at the top of the bell tower. Stained glass windows, crafted by Krautt, were also installed in the upper part of the cathedral’s facade: the Immaculate Conceptio patterned after Murillo’s painting; the driving away of Adam and Eve from Paradise and the Annunciation.
The communion rail was also dismantled and the sanctuary was renovated when the cathedral was consecrated during the tenure of its second residential Bishop, Most Rev.Cirilo Almario Jr. D. D. on December 4, 1976. Stained glass windows with the images of the Blessed Virgin of Lourdes and the Miraculous Medal were also placed at opposite windows in the sanctuary. Celing Marasigan, a religious painter from nearby Paombong, also improved the paintings of the four evangelists. The old convento, which by this time was only half the size of the original, was reconstructed and expanded to accommodale the Bishop’s residence, Chancery office and parish convent. This reconstruction of the historic Malolos convent was chaired by Dr. Johnny Reyes in preparation for the 400 years Christianization of Malolos.
The Present. During the lime ol Msgr. Macario Manahan from 1990-92, the adoration chapel was built in coordination with the Handugan Foundation. The social hall at the sacristy was erected. The old baptistery was turned into a mortuary chapel and a crypt below the main altar was constructed. When Bishop Rolando J. Tria Tirona, OCD, D.D. became Bishop and Moderator of the Team Ministry, renovations and repairs were also done in the cathedral church and the patio. The adoration chapel and the parish hall were refurbished. The patio underwent renewed repairs and re-painting. The lampposts were fixed and rehabilitated. Since it was the Centennial Year celebration, Bulacan Gardens offered to landscape the garden surrounding the patio.